• Alex McNa - CBO (Chief Beekeeping Officer)

    Alex is pioneering the way as a first generation beekeeper for his family. He is the man with the plan for this crazy endeavor and loves to share his passion and knowledge about honeybees with anyone willing to listen.

  • Saruh Fenton - Photos + Digital Marketing Guru

    A master with her lens, a creative genus in her own right, and a believer in big ideas, thoughts and dreams. To see more of her work with the bees and otherwise, visit her IG: @spumoni_photography

  • Kate McNa - Beekeeper + Retail Design

    Kate is a second year beekeeper with us. She has a natural talent and calm presence with the bees. She heads up our retail branding and distribution. She also is an important contributor to our annual hive data collection and analysis.

  • Rod McNa - Beekeeper + Island County Sales POC

    Rod is also in his second year as a beekeeper with us. He provides valuable glue to our team, and is always eager to help out with any company needs from equipment building to hive tending and extraction.